We are excited to share that in compliance with CMS and NYSDOH we are currently open to visitations. You do not need to make a prior appointment in order to see your loved ones. However please do not visit if you, or someone in your immediate household:
o Are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19
o Have tested positive for COVID-19 or had close contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days
o Currently on isolation and/or quarantine based precautions on the recommendations of your local DOH
Please note that visitors will be required to submit a negative COVID-19 test (see below for details), use PPE (personal protection equipment) as well as maintain social distancing during visits at the facility. Additionally, all visitors will have to complete a COVID-19 health screen questionnaire prior to being allowed in to the facility.
Although not required, we encourage all visitors to vaccinate for COVID-19 to enjoy a safe and risk free visit with your loved ones. Please speak with our staff about COVID-19 vaccines. Please note that the current open visitation policy may change based on updated guidance from CMS and/or NYSDOH or based on COVID-19 outbreak protocols, in case of a facility COVID-19 outbreak. Thank you and looking forward to greeting you soon.
All visitors MUST receive or present a “negative” test result in order to enter the facility.
o If visitor is presenting a Rapid Antigen Test, the test MUST be “negative” from within 24 hours prior to visitation (for example – a Rapid Antigen Test for a Sunday visit should be conducted no earlier than Saturday).
o If visitor is presenting a PCR test, the test MUST be “negative” from within 48 hours prior to visitation (for example – a PCR test for a Sunday visit should be conducted no earlier than Friday).
o For visitors who visit multiple days per week, including a visitor who comes every day, proof of negative testing is required as often as possible – at a minimum every 3 days.
o Nursing Home should provide a visitor with an iHealth OTC COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test if he/she does not have other valid proof of a “negative” test conducted within the required timeframe, and the visitor should test himself/herself at the facility.
o Visitors for residents receiving compassionate care, hospice services, end-of-life care, undergoing significant mental/physical/social decline are exempt from these testing requirements.
o When this exception is made, the visitor must wear any additional PPE that facility personnel deem appropriate.
o Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are not subject to testing requirements.
For More Information Continue to website